Am I speaking English? Do women speak English and men speak some secret language that we don't know about or are not privy to? I can say, "The dog is chasing the cat." and somehow what the ex hears is, "That pussy likes to get chased around a tree." I mean, not even close to what I said.
My question is, "Is it my ex, or just men in general that they don't hear what we as women are saying." Honestly, I think they speak a different language or something in their brain doesn't compute the way women's brains compute. It's so odd.
So the ex sends me a nasty text calling me foul names, liar, b., etc. etc. Apparently someone has told him about I'm very surprised by this since I've been writing for about a year now, and he's just now hearing about it? Not like I'm trying to hide it or anything. I mean, it is posted on the internet. So I tell him too bad if you don't like it. It's how I feel, it's about as real as it gets, and by the way, did you actually read it?
He tells me that he only got to the part where I tell about how he emptied the bank accounts, and that's a total lie, and blah blah blah. Uh... well, if you deposit 3800.03 into the account, and you withdraw 3800.03 from the account, that is pretty much draining the accounts. If you do this more then once, that that means you have drained the bank accounts and left me and baby girl for dead. Right? I mean, 1+1=2. Somehow he just doesn't get this. I guess the $400.00 dollars he gave me makes him think that he is 'looking out for me." By the way, the 3800.03 is the from the business we own together, that I started, just in case you haven't read this blog before.
Anyway, I'm just so confused because everything is such polar opposites. I see black, he sees white. Is it because we are black & white? Is it because his brain speaks another language? What the heck?
I would love to hear other peoples feedback and wonder if men in their lives speak a different language, or vice versa, women v. men.