I am almost finished with my book! It's been a learn as I go project. I've spent a lot of time in the library, reading books like, "get an agent in 30 days" or "publishing for dummies". In an age of social media and overnight internet sensations, the new questions to ask is, "do I need an publisher?" or should I self publish? "Do I really need an agent?" The internet has opened a whole new world. It's a beautiful thing, but also quite confusing!.
I've done a lot of research. There are pros and cons to self publishing and a publishing house. Getting an agent seems to be a 1st on the list of things to do. The next question is, "Do I complete my manuscript first?" or should I start querying now? Opinions differ in this area.
I'd love to start querying now, as everything I have read seems to say that this is an art form in itself and must be done with intricate detail. My gut tells me to finish the book first. I think I'll finish the book first!
Off I go...more to come later.